
Historical Shipwreck Search & Salvage

OHS has the in house search and salvage equipment and expertise to undertake an exploratory investigation to locate and quantify a historic wreck site. Our ideal Jupiter Florida location and liveaboard catamaran make us ideally situated to perform field investigations at a fraction of the cost of our competitors. OHS surveyors and divers have logged hundreds of hours utilizing our specialized search and salvage equipment on projects throughout Florida, the Bahamas, Alaska, Panama, and Guyana. Specifically, we utilize HYPACK navigation software along with side-scan sonar, magnetometers, underwater towed cameras, seismic and sub-bottom profiler to locate and accurately pinpoint a wreck site and associated debris trail. We can then utilize a 4” airlift and professional diver held metal detectors to investigate and help salvage a potential target.

Commercial Ship Groundings

Accidental ship groundings or damage caused by construction equipment can cause a major environmental impact on an existing reef system that can take hundreds of years to recover. OHS employs the latest technology in underwater video mapping to accurately map and document the affected area. Since time is of the essence when faced with repairing or uprighting damaged corals, this technique is utilized to allow us to understand the scope of the damage before our biologist divers even enter the water. Any attempt to assign a mitigation dollar amount when damage occurs must be based on an accurate spatial map showing the affected area. OHS can work with vessel insurance companies or regulatory staff to accurately assess the damage site. OHS staff has performed thousands of coral reattachments and has proven relationships with NOVA’s NCRI and University of Miami’s Rosensteil School experts at the forefront of coral recovery and mitigation techniques. the site and associated debris trail. We can then utilize a 4” airlift and professional diver held metal detectors to investigate and help salvage a potential target.